Best plants in the bedroom

Having plants in your bedroom adds a touch of natural beauty to the space and offers numerous benefits for your well-being. This article will explore the advantages of plants, where to place them, how to use them for colour, and essential tips for plant care.

What are the benefits of having plants in your bedroom?

Having plants in your bedroom offers a ton of benefits, including:

  • Improved indoor air quality: Plants are natural air purifiers. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, making the air cleaner and fresher.
  • Improved sleep quality: Studies have shown that having plants in your bedroom can help you sleep better. If you’re looking for a plant that promotes relaxation, Lavender is an excellent choice as it can induce a sense of tranquility and help you unwind.
  • Improved mental well-being: Nature and mental health are closely connected and various studies have shown that being around greenery can reduce stress and boost your mood.

Lide upholstered bed

Where can you place plants in your room?

When it comes to placing plants in your bedroom, you have several options. You can put them on windowsills, shelves, or hanging planters near the windows to get maximum sunlight exposure. Or, depending on the size and type of plant, you can place them on bedside tables, dressers, or even on the floor.

Yushan upholstered bed

How to use plants to add colour and interest?

Plants are not just green, they can also bring colour and interest to your space. If you want to add a pop of colour, go for vibrant flowering plants like orchids or African violets. Whereas, if you prefer a more calming ambience, choose plants with green foliage like ferns or spider plants.

Toulon iron bed frame

What are the best houseplants for bedrooms

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a popular choice for the bedroom due to its air-purifying properties. It releases oxygen at night, improving air quality and promoting better sleep. The gel within its leaves also has soothing properties, making it useful for minor burns or skin irritations.

Aloe Vera plant

Snake plant

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-law’s Tongue, is another great option for the bedroom. This plant filters toxins from the air and continues to release oxygen at night, creating a cleaner and fresher bedroom environment.

Snake plant

Peace lily

The Peace Lily is one of the most popular and easygoing houseplants. According to NASA scientists, the Peace Lily is one of the best air-purifying houseplants and its beautiful white flowers will add an elegant touch to your bedroom.

Peace lily plant

Suggested reading: 10 Best Air purifying houseplants according to NASA scientists

English Ivy

English Ivy is a versatile, low-care plant that can be grown in hanging baskets, allowing it to cascade down from shelves or hooks. It effectively removes airborne mould particles, making it a great choice for people with allergies.


Lavender is well-known for its calming and soothing properties. Lavender has been shown to significantly reduce stress and anxiety, creating a relaxing environment for a restful night’s sleep.

Lavender plant

Spider plant

Spider Plants are excellent air purifiers, efficiently absorbing harmful substances like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. They are easy to care for and their attractive colouring makes them a beautiful addition to any bedroom.

Spider plant

Tips for taking care of your houseplants

  • Watering: Each plant has its own water preferences. Don’t drown them or let them go thirsty! Put your finger into the soil and water when the top inch feels dry.
  • Light requirements: Give your plants the light they need. Some like basking in direct sunlight, while others prefer low-light areas.
  • Proper drainage: Make sure your plant pots have drainage holes at the bottom. Use a saucer or tray to catch any water that drips out.
  • Fertilising: Plants need nutrients to grow strong so treat them to a fertiliser every now and then. Always feed them according to the instructions on the package.
  • Observation and TLC: Keep an eye on your plants and look for any signs of trouble like wilting, discolouration, or pests. Inspecting your plants regularly will allow you to spot issues and keep them healthy and happy.

Blake painted wooden bed

Final thoughts

Houseplants not only add natural beauty but also offer a whole bunch of amazing benefits for your health and well-being. They are great at improving indoor air quality, promoting better sleep, and reducing stress and anxiety. So go ahead, bring in some of those fantastic houseplants mentioned above and create your own peaceful, green oasis.